Dear Black People, You don’t have the protections of White Supremacy.

Mark Stevenson
4 min readApr 20, 2020
Several hundred protesters gather outside Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’ official residence Friday, April 17, 2020, in to protest the restriction and stay at home order due to the coronavirus (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

Full Disclaimer, proceed with caution. Now that I got that out of the way let’s go!!!

For about a week or so thousands upon thousands of white fascists under the guise of freedom, have been storming state capital buildings with rifles, protesting opening their states back up and returning to business as usual. Somehow, they are convinced maybe due to 4-chan back channel discussions that there is some deep state conspiracy going on and that the COVID-19 pandemic is FAKE NEWS. While they are protesting, I must make it clear to black folks that we do not need to get caught up fighting this battle. Our only fight at the moment is to get the government to do right by our communities in regards to financial and medical stability. It is not our place to fight to re-open the government and expose our families to a virus that has no cure. Here are a few of my reasons as to why this is not our fight.

1. These folks do not care about your health. They care about money. The numbers are startling, Black people particularly, ADOS are dying at any alarming rate due to COVID-19. This is in part due to the disparities in healthcare and resources. Majority of black Americans work in industries like retail and food services where we can be exposed to COVID-19 daily. We can not afford to get exposed and then transmit the virus back into our communities. We need to stay safe at all times. While I know most of us cannot survive financially without working due to economic disparities, its better to be alive than dead. PERIOD.

2. White folks are quick to tell us that we should follow the law, when unarmed black men and women are killed in the streets by cops, but they will defiantly go out and break the law with convenience, knowing they will not suffer the same fate. This goes with out saying we don’t have the protections they have. History has proven every time black people organize in mass groups, cops in riot gear and National Guard mobilizations happen, neither has taken place while these people are damn near tearing down doors at the Capital buildings and Governor mansions. It seems like there are different rules for the 1st amendment, perhaps there is an addendum, that reads Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, unless it is black people and then we should terrorize the hell out of them until they stop.. . So, we should not try to play hero and pretend that we have the same rights as they do, do not become the face of criminal activity in the midst of this pandemic, it will not end well for you.

3. Our gov’t is proving that the only reason reparations hasn’t been paid is because it doesn’t have an effect on white people. Let’s put this into perspective, the gov’t sent out cash payments to citizens which equated to almost 10T dollars in a span of 3 weeks and there are other payments in bills in Congress to not only give 2K a month but to stop mortgage and rent payments. So where is all this mysterious money coming from and why isn’t it having a profound impact of the deficit? The answer is clear, this gov’t knows how to make false claims and have everyone confused about our economy. Back in 2015, then candidate Donald Trump made the following comment to Chris Cuomo on CNN’s New Day “You never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, OK? I said, if we can buy back government debt at a discount, in other words, if interest rates go up and we can buy bonds back at a discount, if we are liquid enough as a country, we should do that. In other words, we can buy back debt at a discount” The sheer notion that all this country had to do was print more money has come to fruition. Not one single conservative or liberal has said anything about the debt or has complained about stimulus checks being put in the hands of the American people. So surely there should be no reason why the estimated 30 million descendants of chattel slavery and Jim Crow, should not be compensated for the systemic and systematic oppression handed down by government sanctioned actions.

4. If they care so much about the government opening let then go out there and die for the cause, we have suffered enough because of white stupidity and ignorance. It goes without saying, when was the last time you seen white people actively protesting with our communities about racial disparities and inequity? If you can’t think of a time then its probably because it few and far between.

So, it is clear, we need to stand firm in our convictions, keep our families safe, and stay clear of all the foolishness these white folks are engaging in. Stop following up social media post and conspiracies about some deep state nonsense and use common sense. Please do not let these folks make you a martyr for their cause.

Peace and Love Always,

Unapologetically Blakk



Mark Stevenson

Georgia Raised, Ohio Made!!! Reparationist and Community Activist, Fort Valley State Alum, Poli Sci and AA studies nerd. #KAPsi